Capital turnover

What Is Capital Turnover?

Capital turnover is a term used to describe the efficiency with which a company is able to utilize its capital resources. It is a measure of how much money a company is able to generate from its capital investments, such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. It is an important indicator of a company’s overall financial health and can help investors assess the potential for future growth.

How to Calculate Capital Turnover

Capital turnover is calculated by dividing the total amount of sales generated by a company by the amount of capital it has invested. The resulting figure is then multiplied by 100 to give a capital turnover ratio. This ratio can be broken down further to show the specific capital turnover for each asset class.

Examples of Capital Turnover

One example of capital turnover is a company that has invested $100 million in stocks and generates $1 million in sales. The capital turnover ratio in this case would be 1:100. This means that for every dollar invested in stocks, the company generates one dollar in sales. Another example is a company that has invested $50 million in bonds and generates $2 million in sales. The capital turnover ratio in this case would be 4:50, indicating that for every dollar invested in bonds, the company generates four dollars in sales.


Capital turnover is an important measure of a company’s financial health and performance. It indicates how efficiently a company is able to utilize its capital resources and can be used to assess the potential for future growth. Investors can use capital turnover ratios to evaluate a company’s ability to generate returns from its investments.
