
What are HTML Tags?

HTML tags are used to define elements of web pages, such as headings, paragraphs, lists and other types of content. They are the building blocks of HTML and help to structure content. Each tag has a specific purpose and meaning, and when used in the correct context can create a powerful effect.

Types of HTML Tags

There are many types of HTML tags available for use. Some of the most common tags include:

  • Headings – Headings are used to indicate different levels of importance in the page and are represented by the H1 to H6 tags.
  • Paragraphs – Paragraphs are used to separate blocks of text and are represented by the P tag.
  • Lists – Lists are used to structure content into an organized, bulleted or numbered form and are represented by the UL and OL tags.
  • Bold – Bold text is used to emphasize certain words or phrases and is represented by the B tag.

How to Use HTML Tags?

To use HTML tags, you need to wrap the content in the appropriate tag. For example, to create a heading, you would use the H1 tag, like this:

Heading One

Likewise, to create a paragraph, you would use the P tag, like this:

This is a paragraph of text.


HTML tags are used to define the structure and content of web pages. They provide a powerful way to create a visually appealing and well-structured page. For more information about HTML tags, please visit the following websites: