Return on marketing investment

Understanding Return on Marketing Investment

Marketing return on investment (ROI) is a key measure of success for any marketing initiative, as it helps to understand how well the marketing efforts are performing. It is calculated by dividing the total marketing expenditure (or cost) by the total marketing benefit (or profits). The higher the ROI, the more successful the marketing effort is.

How to Calculate Marketing ROI?

Calculating the marketing ROI is a simple yet effective way to measure the success of any marketing campaign. It involves taking the total cost of the marketing campaign and dividing it by the total benefit (or profits) generated from that campaign. The resulting figure is the ROI.

Examples of Marketing ROI

Here are some examples of how to calculate marketing ROI:

  • Social media campaigns: The cost of the campaigns (including labor, design, advertising, etc.) is divided by the amount of leads, conversions, or sales generated by the campaigns.
  • Email marketing: The total cost of the campaign (including labor, design, etc.) is divided by the amount of opens, clicks, and sales generated by the emails.
  • Content marketing: The total cost of creating and promoting the content (including labor, design, advertising, etc.) is divided by the amount of leads, conversions, or sales generated from the content.


ROI is a great way to measure the success of any marketing campaign, as it helps to understand how well the campaign is performing and if the investment is worth it. By understanding the ROI, businesses can make informed decisions about their marketing campaigns and optimize them to ensure maximum success.
