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Purposive Sample

Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental or selective sampling, is a non-probability sampling technique where the researcher selects participants based on specific characteristics or criteria relevant to the research topic. This method is commonly used in qualitative research when the researcher wants to target a specific group of individuals who possess the knowledge or experience needed to provide valuable insights.

Unlike random sampling, purposive sampling allows the researcher to strategically choose participants who can contribute the most to the study. This can lead to in-depth and detailed information that may not be obtained through random sampling methods.

Examples of purposive sampling include selecting experts in a particular field, individuals who have experienced a specific event, or participants who possess unique perspectives on the research topic. By selecting participants with diverse backgrounds and experiences, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under study.

Advantages of purposive sampling:

  • Allows researchers to target specific groups or individuals
  • Facilitates in-depth exploration of the research topic
  • Provides rich and detailed data

Overall, purposive sampling is a valuable technique in qualitative research that enables researchers to focus on specific characteristics or criteria that are essential to their study.

Learn more about purposive sampling on Wikipedia