

Zipping is a popular method of compressing files to reduce their size for easier storage or transfer. By using a file compression tool, multiple files are combined into a single archive, making it more convenient to send or download a large number of files at once.

One common example of zipping is creating a .zip file, which is a compressed file format that is widely supported across different operating systems. To create a zip file, simply select the files you want to compress, right-click, and choose the ”Compress” or ”Zip” option from the menu.

When you unzip a file, you are essentially extracting the compressed files back to their original state. This can be done using a file compression tool that supports zip files, or by simply double-clicking on the zip file to open it and then dragging the files out to a new location.

Overall, zipping is a useful technique for saving space and organizing files efficiently. It is especially handy when sending multiple files over email or storing large amounts of data on a hard drive.

For more information on zipping, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Zip file format.