Lanham Trademark Act (1946)

What is the 1946 Lanham Trademark Act?

The 1946 Lanham Trademark Act is a federal act that protects trademarks and service marks in the United States. It also defines the scope of trademark rights and remedies for infringement. The act was proposed by Senator Edward Martin in 1945 and passed in 1946.

What Does the Act Protect?

The Lanham Trademark Act protects marks used in interstate commerce, including a company’s name, logo, slogan, product name, or any other mark used to identify the source of goods or services. It also provides protections for trade dress and geographic indications, as well as the registration of trademarks.

Benefits of the Act

The Lanham Trademark Act provides several benefits for holders of trademarks:

  • Protection from infringement: The Act prohibits others from using a mark or a similar mark in a way that is likely to cause confusion with the registered mark.
  • Nationwide protection: A trademark registered under the Act will be protected in all 50 states.
  • Legal remedies for infringement: The Act provides for legal remedies for infringement, including monetary damages and injunctions.
  • Public notice of ownership: Trademark registration gives public notice of ownership of the mark.


The Lanham Trademark Act of 1946 provides an important form of protection for trademarks and service marks in the United States. By registering a trademark, the holder can obtain nationwide protection and legal remedies in the event of infringement.Further Reading: