Abandonment rate

What is Abandonment Rate?

Abandonment rate is a metric used to measure the percentage of people who view a website or online product but don’t complete the desired action. It’s used to measure the effectiveness of a website or product, as well as how well users are engaging with it.

Examples of Abandonment Rate

Abandonment rate can be measured in a variety of ways, but some of the most common examples include:

  • Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate: This is measured by the percentage of people who add items to their shopping cart, but do not complete the checkout process.
  • Form Abandonment Rate: This is the percentage of people who begin filling out a form, such as an online survey or registration form, but do not submit it.
  • Email Abandonment Rate: This is the percentage of people who open an email, but do not click any of the links or take the desired action.

Why is Abandonment Rate Important?

Abandonment rate is an important metric to measure because it can help you identify areas of improvement on your website or product. By understanding where customers are abandoning their journey, you can then work to fix any underlying issues that may be causing them to leave. This can help improve user experience and increase conversions.


Abandonment rate is a valuable metric that can help you understand customer behaviour and improve your website or product. By measuring abandonment rate, you can identify where people are dropping off throughout their journey and make the necessary changes to improve user experience and increase conversions.
