Address (Internet)

What is an Internet Address?

An Internet address, also known as a web address, is a unique identifier for a specific computer or resource connected to the Internet. It is made up of a combination of numbers and letters that correspond to the IP address of the resource or computer. By typing an address into a web browser, you can access a website, file, or other online resource.

Types of Internet Address

Internet addresses can take different forms, depending on the type of resource being accessed. The most common types of Internet address are:

  • Domain Names
  • IP Addresses
  • URLs

Domain Names

Domain names are the most common type of Internet address. They are human-readable names that are easier to remember than an IP address. For example, is a domain name. When you type this address into a web browser, it will be translated into the IP address of the web server hosting the website.

IP Addresses

An IP address is a numerical identifier for a computer or other networked device connected to the Internet. It is a set of four numbers separated by dots, such as: To access a website, file, or other online resource, you can type the IP address directly into the browser address bar.


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a combination of a domain name and a path to a specific resource on the web. For example, a URL could be URLs are often used to link to pages or files on the web.


An Internet address is a unique identifier for a specific computer or resource connected to the Internet. It can take the form of a domain name, IP address, or URL. By typing an address into a web browser, you can access a website, file, or other online resource.
