Advertising substantiation

What is Advertising Substantiation?

Advertising substantiation is the process of verifying and backing up the claims made in an advertisement. This helps to protect advertisers by demonstrating that their claims are accurate and based on reliable evidence. It also helps to ensure that consumers are not misled by misleading ads.

Why is Advertising Substantiation Important?

Advertising substantiation is an important tool for both advertisers and consumers. It helps to protect advertisers by helping them verify the accuracy of the claims they are making in their ads. This helps to ensure that consumers are not misled by false or exaggerated claims. At the same time, it helps to protect consumers from false or misleading advertising. By verifying that the claims made in an ad are accurate, consumers can trust that the product or service being advertised is indeed as good as the advertiser claims it to be.

How to Substantiate Claims

There are several different ways in which advertisers can substantiate the claims they make in their ads. These include:

  • Providing objective evidence to back up the claims, such as scientific studies, research results, or customer testimonials.
  • Providing accurate and up-to-date information about the product or service.
  • Ensuring that any claims made in the ad are not false, misleading, or exaggerated.

Advertisers should also be sure to include any necessary disclaimers or other important information in their ads. This helps to ensure that consumers have all the necessary information they need to make an informed decision about the product or service being advertised.


Advertising substantiation is an important tool for both advertisers and consumers. It helps to protect advertisers from false or misleading claims, and it helps to protect consumers from being misled by false or exaggerated claims. By verifying the accuracy of the claims made in an ad, advertisers can ensure that their product or service is indeed as good as they claim it to be.Additional Resources