Audience Exchange

What is Audience Exchange?

Audience exchange is a type of online marketing strategy which involves two or more companies sharing their target customers. This allows companies to extend their reach and offer their products and services to a wider audience. Through audience exchange, businesses can benefit from increased exposure and potentially reach more potential customers.

How Does Audience Exchange Work?

Audience exchange works by allowing companies to share their target customers with one another. This can involve sharing email lists, website visitors, or even social media followers. The companies involved in the exchange will agree on a set of parameters for the exchange, such as which customers are being shared and how the exchange will be tracked.

Benefits of Audience Exchange

Audience exchange provides a number of benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased Exposure: Audience exchange helps businesses reach a wider audience and can lead to increased brand awareness and more customers.
  • Cost-Effective: Audience exchange is a cost-effective way to reach more potential customers without the expense of traditional marketing methods.
  • Targeted Reach: Audience exchange allows businesses to more easily target the right customers and ensure their message is reaching the right people.

Examples of Audience Exchange

Audience exchange can take many forms, ranging from simple exchanges of email lists to more complex arrangements. Some examples of audience exchange include:

  • Sharing Email Lists: Companies can share their email lists with one another to reach more potential customers.
  • Social Media Exchange: Companies can agree to share their social media followers with one another to increase their reach.
  • Website Traffic Exchange: Companies can agree to share their website traffic with one another, allowing them to benefit from each other’s visitors.


Audience exchange is a useful online marketing strategy that can help businesses reach a larger audience and potentially increase their customer base. Through audience exchange, businesses can benefit from increased exposure and cost savings, as well as more targeted reach. For more information on audience exchange, visit WordStream’s Audience Exchange Guide or Shopify’s Audience Exchange Guide.