Back order

What is a Back Order?

Back order is a term used to describe when a customer places an order on a product, but the product is not available. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as unexpected high demand, stock shortages, or the item being discontinued. The customer is then put on a waiting list and will receive the product when it is back in stock.

Examples of Back Orders

Back orders can be seen across many industries and retail stores. Here are some examples:

  • A customer orders a new gaming console that is out of stock. The customer then goes on a waiting list, and will receive the gaming console when it is back in stock.
  • A customer orders a new smartphone that is out of stock. The customer is then put on a waiting list and will receive the smartphone when it is back in stock.
  • A customer orders a new pair of shoes that is out of stock. The customer is then put on a waiting list, and will receive the shoes when it is back in stock.

Benefits of Back Orders

Back orders can be beneficial for both customers and businesses. For customers, it allows them to purchase a product they want without having to wait for it to come back in stock. For businesses, it allows them to plan ahead and manage their inventory more effectively.


Back orders can be seen across many industries and retail stores. They are beneficial for both customers and businesses, as they allow customers to purchase a product they want without having to wait for it to come back in stock, and businesses to plan ahead and manage their inventory more effectively.
