Brand development index (BDI)

What is Brand Development Index (BDI)?

Brand Development Index (BDI) is a tool used to measure the success of a brand in a particular market. It takes into account various factors such as market share, customer loyalty, brand recognition, and customer satisfaction. It helps companies to identify which markets they should focus their efforts on and how they should go about building a successful brand.

How is Brand Development Index (BDI) Calculated?

Brand Development Index (BDI) is calculated by taking into account various factors such as market share, customer loyalty, brand recognition, and customer satisfaction. The index is then calculated by multiplying the market share by the customer loyalty, brand recognition, and customer satisfaction. The resulting number is the BDI score.

Benefits of Brand Development Index (BDI)

The Brand Development Index (BDI) can be a useful tool for companies to track their progress in a particular market. It helps to identify areas for improvement, as well as areas where the company can capitalize on its current success. The BDI can also help companies to understand their customer base better, as well as identify potential opportunities for growth.

Examples of Brand Development Index (BDI)

One example of a company using the Brand Development Index (BDI) is Apple. Apple uses the BDI to track the success of its products in different markets. The company also uses the BDI to identify areas of improvement, such as customer loyalty, brand recognition, and customer satisfaction. Another example of a company using the Brand Development Index (BDI) is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola uses the BDI to track the success of its products in different markets. The company also uses the BDI to identify areas of improvement, such as customer loyalty, brand recognition, and customer satisfaction.


Brand Development Index (BDI) is a useful tool for companies to track their progress in a particular market. It helps to identify areas for improvement as well as capitalize on current success. Examples of companies using the BDI include Apple and Coca-Cola. For more information on Brand Development Index (BDI) and related topics, please visit: