Broad Match

What is Broad Match?

Broad Match is an auction type option in Google Ads that allows advertisers to bid on keywords that are more relevant to their business. The Broad Match type allows for more traffic to be directed to the advertiser’s website, as it allows for more combinations of searches and phrases to be used.

How Does Broad Match Work?

Broad Match is a keyword match type that allows your ads to be eligible to appear when someone searches using a variation of the keyword you are targeting. The keyword and its variations can be added to a single keyword, or multiple keywords can be used in the same ad group. Broad Match is the default match type in Google Ads and can be used to target a wider audience.

Benefits of Broad Match

Broad Match offers a number of advantages to businesses looking to expand their reach.

  • It is the most flexible keyword match type.
  • It allows for more search queries to be triggered by the same keyword.
  • It targets more users that may be interested in the product or service being offered.
  • It allows for more precise targeting and better control over the cost-per-click.
  • It allows for more accurate tracking of results.

Examples of Broad Match

Broad Match allows for a wide range of search queries to be triggered by a single keyword. For example, if the keyword “running shoes” is used, the ad could be triggered by searches such as “where to buy running shoes”, “cheap running shoes”, or even “best running shoes”.


Broad Match is a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and maximize the efficiency of their advertising campaigns. It allows for a wide range of related searches to be triggered by a single keyword, and can be used to target a more specific audience. For more information about Broad Match and other keyword match types in Google Ads, please visit Google Ads Help.