Competitive frame

What Is A Competitive Frame?

A competitive frame is a type of strategic mindset which is used to gain an advantage over rivals or opponents. It involves framing an issue or situation in a way that makes it easier to win. This could be done through persuasion, deception, or manipulation. Competitive frames allow individuals or groups to increase their chances of success in a variety of situations, and have become increasingly popular in the business world.

The Benefits of Using a Competitive Frame

Using a competitive frame can bring a number of benefits. These include:

  • Increased chances of success: Competitive frames give individuals or groups an advantage over their rivals by positioning their argument in a more persuasive way.
  • The ability to influence: By using a competitive frame, individuals or groups can influence the outcome of a situation by presenting their argument in an advantageous way.
  • The ability to gain an edge: Competitive frames allow individuals or groups to gain an edge over their opponents by presenting their argument in a way that makes it more appealing.

Examples of Competitive Frames

There are a number of ways that competitive frames can be used. Some examples include:

  • Negotiation: By framing a negotiation in a competitive way, parties can gain an advantage over their opponents by presenting their argument in a more persuasive way.
  • Marketing: Companies can use competitive frames to create an edge over their competitors by presenting their product or service in a way that makes it more appealing.
  • Politics: Politicians can use competitive frames to gain an advantage over their rivals by presenting their policies in a way that makes them more attractive.


A competitive frame is a type of strategic mindset which is used to gain an advantage over rivals or opponents. It involves framing an issue or situation in a way that makes it easier to win. Competitive frames allow individuals or groups to increase their chances of success in a variety of situations, and have become increasingly popular in the business world. For more information, please visit: