
What is a Consumer?

A consumer is someone who purchases goods and services for personal use. Consumers are a fundamental part of the economy, as their purchases of goods and services drive economic activity.

Types of Consumers

There are several types of consumers:

  • Individual consumer – a person who buys products or services for their own use.
  • Business consumer – a company that buys goods or services for use in its business operations.
  • Government consumer – a government entity that buys goods or services for the purpose of providing services to its citizens.
  • Industrial consumer – a company that buys goods or services for the purpose of manufacturing products.

Consumer Rights

Consumers have certain rights which are established by law. These rights include:

  • The right to safety – consumers have the right to be protected from products that are hazardous to their health or safety.
  • The right to be informed – consumers have the right to be informed about the products they are buying and their rights as a consumer.
  • The right to choose – consumers have the right to choose from a variety of products and services.
  • The right to be heard – consumers have the right to seek redress if they feel they have been wronged.


Consumers are a vital part of the economy, and their rights must be protected. Consumers should be aware of their rights and be informed about the products and services they purchase.References:Consumer – WikipediaConsumer Rights – WikipediaConsumer Protection – Wikipedia