
What is Deduction?

Deduction is a type of logical reasoning that uses facts and evidence to reach a logical conclusion. It is a form of argument that begins with a general statement and uses specific facts to draw a conclusion. Deduction is often contrasted with induction, which reaches conclusions based on general observations.

Examples of Deduction

Deduction can be used in many different contexts. Here are some examples of deduction:

  • If a person is over 18, they can vote. John is over 18. Therefore, John can vote.
  • All cats have four legs. Fluffy is a cat. Therefore, Fluffy has four legs.
  • If a triangle has three sides, it must have three angles. This triangle has three sides. Therefore, this triangle has three angles.

Benefits of Deduction

Deduction is a powerful tool for reasoning and problem-solving. It can help us to reach logical conclusions quickly and efficiently. Deduction can also be used to test hypotheses and to identify logical fallacies in arguments.


Deduction is a form of logical reasoning that uses facts and evidence to draw conclusions. It is a useful tool for problem-solving, testing hypotheses, and identifying logical fallacies in arguments.

Further Reading