Delivered pricing

What is Delivered Pricing?

Delivered pricing is a type of pricing structure used by businesses to include the cost of delivery in the price of the product. This allows customers to easily understand the total cost of their purchase without having to calculate the shipping fees.

Benefits of Delivered Pricing

Delivered pricing offers a number of advantages to both businesses and customers. For businesses, it simplifies the pricing structure and makes it easier to accurately calculate profits and margins. It also helps to simplify the checkout process, as customers don’t need to add shipping costs to their total. For customers, one of the biggest benefits of delivered pricing is that they can easily see the total cost of their purchase without having to calculate any additional fees. This helps to create a more transparent shopping experience and encourages customers to be more confident in their purchase.

Examples of Delivered Pricing

Delivered pricing can be used in a variety of different ways. Here are some examples of how businesses can use this pricing structure:

  • Flat rate shipping: A business can offer a flat rate for all orders, regardless of the size or weight of the package.
  • Free shipping: Many businesses offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount.
  • Calculated shipping: Some businesses use weight and distance to calculate the exact shipping cost for each order.


Delivered pricing is a great option for businesses looking to simplify their pricing structure and provide customers with a more transparent shopping experience. By including the cost of shipping in the price of the product, businesses can save time and money while also improving the customer experience. For more information on delivered pricing, you can check out the following resources: