What is DHTML?

DHTML is an acronym for Dynamic HyperText Markup Language. It is a combination of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript that allows website designers to create more interactive websites. DHTML enables web developers to create dynamic and interactive webpages that can respond to user input and changes in the environment.

Benefits of DHTML

DHTML has several advantages over traditional HTML, which makes it a popular choice for creating modern webpages. Some of the benefits of DHTML include:

  • Customizable – DHTML allows web developers to customize page elements, such as text, images and layout, with ease.
  • Interactivity – DHTML enables webpages to respond to user input, providing a more interactive experience.
  • Flexibility – DHTML is more flexible than traditional HTML, allowing developers to create complex webpages with less code.
  • Accessibility – DHTML is accessible to all users, regardless of browser or device.

Examples of DHTML

DHTML can be used to create a wide variety of interactive webpages. Here are some examples of websites that use DHTML:

  • E-commerce websites – DHTML can be used to create interactive product pages and checkout experiences.
  • Social media sites – DHTML can be used to create interactive features such as chat boxes, user profiles and live updates.
  • News sites – DHTML can be used to create interactive stories with multimedia content, such as videos and images.
  • Gaming sites – DHTML can be used to create immersive gaming experiences, with features such as 3D graphics and real-time updates.


DHTML is a powerful tool for creating interactive and dynamic webpages. With its combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, DHTML enables developers to create custom and engaging webpages that respond to user input. Whether you are creating an e-commerce website or a gaming site, DHTML can help you create the perfect user experience. For more information on DHTML, check out the following links: