Even pricing

What is Even Pricing?

Even pricing is a pricing strategy used by businesses to set prices that end in the same number. This is typically done to make prices look more appealing and to create a sense of consistency among their products and services. The strategy is used to encourage customers to make purchases and to create a sense of trust in the company’s offerings.

Benefits of Even Pricing

Even pricing is a great way for businesses to make their prices more attractive to customers. Some of the benefits of this pricing strategy include:

  • Makes products and services look more attractive
  • Creates a sense of consistency and trust
  • Helps to encourage customers to make purchases
  • Makes prices easier to remember and compare

Examples of Even Pricing

Even pricing is used by many businesses across various industries. Here are some examples of even pricing in action:

  • Retail: Clothing stores often use even pricing for items such as shirts, pants, and dresses. For example, a shirt might be priced at $22.00, a pair of pants at $44.00, and a dress at $66.00.
  • Food: Restaurants often use even pricing for meals and drinks. For example, a sandwich might be priced at $6.00, a salad at $8.00, and a drink at $2.00.
  • Technology: Technology companies often use even pricing for software and hardware products. For example, a software license might be priced at $99.00, a laptop at $799.00, and a tablet at $499.00.


Even pricing is a great way for businesses to make their prices more attractive to customers. This pricing strategy can help create a sense of trust in the company’s offerings and encourage customers to make purchases. Even pricing is used by many businesses in various industries such as retail, food, and technology. To learn more about pricing strategies, check out this article from Business News Daily. For more information on even pricing, see this article from Investopedia.