
What is Geodemography?

Geodemography is a term used to describe the study of the geography of population. It is a combination of the disciplines of geography and demography, and looks at how population and population density are distributed across a region or area. It is used to gain insight and information about the social, economic and environmental characteristics of a certain area.

Uses of Geodemography

Geodemography is used to analyze and understand the patterns, trends and characteristics of population in a region. It can help to identify target markets, plan transportation, identify social trends, understand housing needs, and analyze other demographics. It is also used to create maps of population density, population growth rate, and changes in population over time.

Examples of Geodemography

Some examples of geodemography include:

  • Creating a map of population density and age distribution in a city.
  • Identifying areas with high and low population growth rates.
  • Analyzing the changes in population over time in a particular region.
  • Comparing the population distribution of different countries.


Geodemography is an important tool for analyzing population data and understanding the geography of population. It can be used to gain insight into population trends, identify target markets, plan transportation and analyze other demographics.
