
What is Intermercial?

Intermercial is a new type of digital advertisement that combines interactive elements with commercials. It is changing the way brands are engaging their customers, by providing a more interactive and engaging experience. Intermercials are short, interactive videos that are designed to engage the viewer and drive user action. Unlike traditional commercials, which are designed to inform viewers about a product or service, Intermercials are designed to be interactive and engaging. For example, Intermercials can include interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and surveys that encourage viewers to interact with the commercial and provide their opinions. This allows brands to gain valuable insights from their customers about their products and services.

Benefits of Intermercials

Intermercials offer several benefits to brands looking to engage their customers. Here are a few:

  • Intermercials create a more interactive and engaging experience for viewers, which can help to increase brand loyalty and engagement.
  • Intermercials can also help to increase brand awareness and visibility.
  • Intermercials can be used to collect valuable customer feedback and insights.
  • Intermercials are easy to create, and can be quickly distributed to viewers.

Examples of Intermercials

Intermercials are becoming increasingly popular as brands look to engage their customers in new and innovative ways. Here are a few examples of Intermercials that brands have used to engage their customers:

  • Microsoft: Microsoft created an interactive Intermercial that allowed viewers to play a game and win prizes. The game was designed to get viewers to engage with the commercial and drive user action.
  • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola created an interactive Intermercial that allowed viewers to take a survey and provide their opinion on the product. The survey allowed Coca-Cola to gain valuable insights from their customers.
  • Nike: Nike created an interactive Intermercial that allowed viewers to design a t-shirt and share it with their friends. This allowed viewers to become more engaged with the brand and share their creations with their friends.

Intermercials are an effective way for brands to engage their customers and drive user action. They provide an interactive and engaging experience that can help to increase brand loyalty and engagement. For more information about Intermercials and how they can help your business, check out the following links: