
What is a Jingle?

A jingle is a short musical composition that is used to advertise a product or service. It is a catchy, memorable sound that is used to grab the attention of the listener and to help them remember the product or service being promoted. The term jingle is often used interchangeably with the term slogan, but the two terms have different meanings.

Examples of Jingles

Jingles have been used for decades to promote products and services. Some of the most famous jingles include:

  • The Oscar Meyer Wiener song
  • McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It”
  • Taco Bell’s “Live Mas”
  • Budweiser’s “Wassup”
  • KFC’s “Finger Lickin’ Good”
  • Coca-Cola’s “Open Happiness”

How Jingles Work

Jingles work by creating an association between the product or service being promoted and the sound of the jingle. The sound of the jingle is memorable and can help to remind customers of the product or service. The jingle also helps to create an emotional connection with the customer, which can help to persuade them to purchase the product or service being advertised.


Jingles are an effective way to promote products and services. They are memorable and can create an emotional connection with the customer. They are an important part of any advertising campaign and can help to increase sales and brand recognition.
