Landed cost price

What is Landed Cost Price?

Landed cost price is an all-inclusive measure of the true cost of purchasing and bringing an item to a specific location. It is the sum of item cost, shipping and handling fees, insurance, customs duties, and other applicable taxes. Landed costs are important for businesses to consider when making purchasing decisions, as it provides a more accurate picture of the total cost of their product.

What Does it Include?

Landed cost includes the following elements:

  • Item Cost: This is the cost of the item itself, before any additional costs are added.
  • Shipping and Handling Fees: This includes the cost of packaging and shipping the item from its point of origin to its destination.
  • Insurance: This covers any damage that may occur to the item during shipping.
  • Customs Duties: This is a fee charged by the government of the destination country for importing the item.
  • Taxes: This includes any applicable sales taxes or other taxes that must be paid when purchasing the item.

Why is it Important?

The landed cost price is important because it provides a more accurate measure of the true cost of purchasing and bringing an item to a specific location. Without knowing the landed cost, businesses may be unaware of the full costs of an item and could end up spending more than expected. Additionally, knowing the landed cost can help businesses plan for any additional costs that may be incurred when purchasing an item.


Landed cost price is an important factor for businesses to consider when making purchasing decisions. Knowing the true cost of an item, including all taxes, customs duties, shipping and handling fees, and insurance, can help businesses plan more accurately and avoid any unexpected expenses.
