
What are Links?

Links are a way of connecting two pieces of content and allowing users to access them quickly and easily. Links are typically found on webpages, in emails, and in social media posts. They are often referred to as “hyperlinks” because they are usually highlighted in some way and can be clicked on to take you to another page or website.

Types of Links

There are several different types of links:

  • Text Links – These are the most common type of link and are simply a word or phrase that, when clicked, will take you to a new page or website.
  • Image Links – Image links are similar to text links but instead of a word or phrase, they are an image that can be clicked on to take you to a new page or website.
  • Button Links – Button links are a type of link that look like a button and contain text, usually a call to action. When clicked, they will take you to a new page or website.
  • Bookmark Links – Bookmark links are a type of link that can be used to quickly take you to a specific page or website. They are usually created by the user and are usually found at the top of a web page.

Using Links

Links are an important part of the web and play a major role in how users navigate and interact with websites. They are also used to provide context and allow users to quickly access related content. It is important to use links correctly and ensure that they are relevant to the content they are linking to. For example, if you are writing an article about a topic, it is important to link to other webpages or websites that provide additional information or resources related to the topic. This will help to provide readers with more information and make it easier for them to find related content.


Links are an important part of the web and are used to quickly access related content. They are also used to provide context and make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for. It is important to use links correctly and ensure that they are relevant to the content they are linking to.

Relevant Links