Mail questionnaire

What is a Mail Questionnaire?

A mail questionnaire is a research tool used to survey respondents by sending them a set of structured questions through the mail. It is a cost-effective way of collecting data from a large population as it eliminates the need for in-person interviews or data entry. This type of survey is typically used to collect demographic information, opinions, attitudes, and preferences from a wide range of respondents.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mail Questionnaires

Mail questionnaires offer a number of advantages compared to other survey methods. They are generally easier to administer, as the surveyor does not need to arrange for an interview or personally enter data. Furthermore, mail questionnaires can be sent to a large population and respondents can answer the questions at their own convenience. However, mail questionnaires also have several disadvantages. Response rates are often low, as some respondents may not receive or fill out the survey. Additionally, mail surveys may not be suitable for collecting sensitive information, as there is a risk of the survey being lost in the mail or the data being accessed by unauthorized persons.

Examples of Mail Questionnaires

Mail questionnaires are used in many different research areas. Some examples include:

  • Political surveys – Surveys sent to citizens to gauge their opinions on current political issues.
  • Health surveys – Surveys sent to healthcare professionals to assess the quality of care they provide.
  • Consumer surveys – Surveys sent to customers to evaluate their satisfaction with a product or service.
  • Employee surveys – Surveys sent to employees to assess their job satisfaction and engagement.


Mail questionnaires are an effective way to collect data from a large population. However, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method before deciding to use it for a research project.
