Millennial Media

Millennials and the Power of Media

Millennials – those born between the early 1980s and late 1990s – have grown up in a time of rapid technological advancement, giving them access to a variety of media sources. This has resulted in Millennials being more tech-savvy and digitally connected than any other generation, and has enabled them to influence the way we interact with media. Millennial media is an umbrella term used to describe the different media platforms, technologies, and content consumed by Millennials. It includes the traditional media sources such as television and radio, as well as the more modern media sources like social media, streaming services and mobile apps. Millennials are changing the way media is consumed and shared. They are more likely to watch, read and listen to content via digital media than traditional media, and they also tend to be more engaged with content and more likely to share it. They are more likely to be influenced by what their peers are doing, and more likely to respond to content that resonates with them. Here are some of the ways in which Millennials are influencing media:

  • Social Media: Millennials are more likely to use and share content on social media than other generations, and they tend to be more engaging and active on social networks. This has enabled them to become influential in the way content is shared and discussed.
  • Mobile Apps: Mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular among Millennials, and they are more likely to use apps to consume content than other generations. This has enabled them to access content on the go and share it with their peers.
  • Streaming Services: Millennials are more likely to use streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu than other generations, and they tend to be more engaged with the content they watch. This has enabled them to influence the way content is consumed and shared.
  • Virtual Reality: Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular among Millennials, and they are more likely to use virtual reality headsets than other generations. This has enabled them to immerse themselves in media content and experience it in a more interactive way.

Millennials are changing the way we interact with media, and with their increasing influence it’s likely that we’ll see more changes in the way media is consumed and shared in the future. Further reading: