Post Impression Tracking

What is Post Impression Tracking?

Post Impression Tracking (or PIT) is a marketing tool used to measure how effective online advertisements are in influencing the actions of their target audience. It works by tracking the activity of users who have been exposed to online ads, and then analyzing their behavior to determine the effectiveness of the ads. This helps marketers measure the success of their campaigns and make better decisions about where to invest their advertising budget.

How Does Post Impression Tracking Work?

Post Impression Tracking works by tracking the activity of users who have been exposed to online ads. Once a user has seen an ad, the system will track the actions they take on the site, such as clicking on a link, signing up for a service, or making a purchase. This data is then used to calculate the effectiveness of the ad, allowing marketers to see which ads are most successful in driving user engagement.

Benefits of Post Impression Tracking

Post Impression Tracking is a powerful tool for marketers, as it allows them to measure the success of their campaigns and make better decisions about where to invest their advertising budget. It can help marketers identify which ads are most successful in driving user engagement, and which ones are not. Additionally, post impression tracking can help marketers optimize their ads to ensure they are reaching the right audience and driving the desired results.

Examples of Post Impression Tracking

Post Impression Tracking can be used for a variety of different marketing campaigns and objectives. For example, it can be used to track the effectiveness of display ads and retargeting campaigns, as well as tracking the performance of email campaigns and social media campaigns. Additionally, post impression tracking can be used to measure the success of A/B testing, so marketers can determine which variations of their ads perform best.


Post Impression Tracking is a powerful tool for marketers, as it allows them to measure the success of their campaigns and make better decisions about where to invest their advertising budget. It can help marketers identify which ads are most successful in driving user engagement, and which ones are not. Additionally, post impression tracking can be used to optimize ads to ensure they are reaching the right audience and driving the desired results.


Post-impression tracking, WikipediaOnline advertising, WikipediaA/B Testing, Wikipedia