Postcode analysis

Exploring Postcode Analysis

Postcode analysis is the process of analysing geographical data according to postcodes. It is a powerful tool for businesses and researchers to gain valuable insights about an area, enabling them to make informed decisions. Postcode analysis can provide information on population size and density, average household income, and other demographic characteristics. Postcode analysis helps businesses to understand their customer base and target the right market. It can help identify areas of potential growth so businesses can focus their efforts in those areas. It can also help identify areas of saturation, so businesses can avoid those areas. It can even be used to help businesses identify the best locations for new stores or outlets.

Examples of Postcode Analysis

One example of postcode analysis is to analyse the average household income of an area. This can help businesses identify potential customers who are more likely to have disposable income to spend. Another example is to analyse population density and demographics. This can help businesses identify potential markets for their products and services. Information on age, gender, and ethnicity can also be gathered from postcode analysis. Postcode analysis can also be used to identify areas with a high concentration of certain businesses. This can be helpful for businesses who are looking to expand their reach or identify potential customers.


Postcode analysis is a powerful tool for businesses and researchers to gain valuable insights about an area. It can help businesses identify potential customers, target the right markets, and identify the best locations for new stores or outlets. For more information on postcode analysis, please visit ONS – Postcode Analysis or Ordnance Survey – Postcode Analysis.