Relative perceived quality

What is Relative Perceived Quality?

Relative perceived quality is the notion of comparing the quality of two products or services and determining which one is perceived to be the higher quality. In this comparison, the relative quality of the product or service is determined by how it stands out amongst its peers, rather than how it stands on its own merits. This concept is most commonly used in the marketing and advertising fields, where companies compare their products or services to those of their competitors.

Examples of Relative Perceived Quality

Relative perceived quality can be used in a variety of different scenarios. Here are some examples of how this concept is applied:

  • Automotive: Car manufacturers often use relative perceived quality to compare their vehicles to those of their competitors. For example, a luxury car brand may market itself as being a higher quality product than its competitors in the same price range.
  • Electronics: Electronics manufacturers often use relative perceived quality to differentiate their products from similar products on the market. For example, a company may market a new laptop as having superior performance to its competitors.
  • Consumer goods: Companies that produce consumer goods, such as food and beverages, often use relative perceived quality to differentiate their products from similar products on the market. For example, a company may market its product as being of higher quality than its competitors.


Relative perceived quality is an important concept in the marketing and advertising fields. By comparing their products or services to those of their competitors, companies can differentiate their offerings and stand out from the competition.
