Unit market share

What is Unit Market Share?

Unit market share is an important measure of how much of a product’s total sales are attributed to a specific company or organization. This metric is also known as market share of units and is commonly used to compare the relative performance of different brands or products. It is a useful metric to determine the overall success of a product in the marketplace and can provide valuable insights into a company’s competitive position.

Calculating Unit Market Share

Unit market share is calculated by dividing a company’s total sales of a particular item by the total sales of all competitors in the same market. The resulting figure is expressed as a percentage, which indicates the proportion of the overall market that a particular brand or product has captured. For example, if a company sells one million units of a particular product and the total sales of all competitors combined is two million, then the company’s unit market share is 50%. This means that the company has captured half of the overall market for that particular item.

Benefits of Unit Market Share

Unit market share can provide valuable insights into a company’s competitive position and effectiveness of their products. It also allows companies to better understand their target market and the potential for future growth. By tracking unit market share over time, companies can identify trends and areas of potential improvement. Unit market share can also be used to compare the performance of different products within an organization. This can help companies identify which products are performing the best and which products may need to be improved.


Unit market share is an important measure of how much of a product’s total sales are attributed to a specific company or organization. This metric can provide valuable insights into a company’s competitive position and effectiveness of their products. By tracking unit market share over time, companies can identify trends and areas of potential improvement.References: