View Conversion

What is View Conversion?

View conversion is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of advertisements or other forms of media. It is a measure of how many people view a certain ad or piece of media and then actually take action in response to it. It is a valuable metric for marketers and advertisers as it allows them to see how effective their campaigns are and if they are reaching their intended audience.

How is View Conversion Calculated?

View conversion is calculated by taking the total number of views for a certain ad or piece of media and dividing it by the total number of people who took action in response to it. For example, if an ad is viewed 1,000 times and 10 people take action in response to the ad, the view conversion rate would be 10%.

Examples of View Conversion

  • A company runs an ad on social media with the goal of getting people to sign up for their email list. The ad is viewed 1,500 times and 75 people sign up for the email list. The view conversion rate in this case would be 5%.
  • A business runs a TV ad to promote a new product. The ad is viewed 1,000 times and 20 people buy the product. The view conversion rate in this case would be 2%.

Why is View Conversion Important?

View conversion is an important metric to measure the effectiveness of advertising or other forms of media. It allows marketers and advertisers to see if their ads are reaching their intended audience and if the audience is taking action in response to the ads. This metric can also be used to compare different ad campaigns and see which ones are more successful.


View conversion is a valuable metric for marketers and advertisers, as it allows them to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and compare different ad campaigns. By understanding view conversion and using it to measure the success of their campaigns, marketers and advertisers can ensure that their campaigns are reaching their intended audience and that the audience is taking action in response.
