Web address

What Is a Web Address?

A web address, also known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), is a unique address that is used to identify a specific web page on the internet. It is composed of several parts, including a protocol, domain name, and path.

Parts of a Web Address

A web address can be broken into a few main parts:

  • Protocol – This is the type of request being made, such as HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Domain Name – This is the unique name that identifies the website.
  • Path – This is the specific page or file being requested.

Examples of Web Addresses

Here are some examples of web addresses:

  • http://example.com – This is the protocol (HTTP) and the domain name (example.com).
  • https://www.example.com/contact – This is the protocol (HTTPS), domain name (example.com), and path (contact).
  • https://example.net/blog/post/1 – This is the protocol (HTTPS), domain name (example.net), and path (blog/post/1).


A web address is a unique address that is used to identify a specific web page on the internet. It is composed of several parts, including a protocol, domain name, and path. Understanding the parts of a web address can help you navigate the web more easily. For more information on web addresses, please visit the following resources: