Web beacon

What is a Web Beacon?

A web beacon is a small image file embedded in a web page, email, or advertisement that allows the operator of the website, email service, or online ad delivery service to track user activity. These web beacons are usually invisible to the user and are used to monitor website and email traffic, collect data about usage patterns, and to help target advertising to the user.

How do Web Beacons Work?

When a web beacon is embedded in a web page, email, or advertisement, a call is made to the web server of the hosting service. The web server then records the IP address of the user, the time the page was viewed, and the type of browser that was used. This data is then used to track the user’s activity on the website or in an email, or to track the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign.

Examples of Web Beacons

Web beacons are used in many different ways. Here are a few examples of how they are used:

  • Website tracking: Web beacons can be used to track user activity on a website, such as the number of visitors, where they came from, and which pages they visited.
  • Email tracking: Web beacons can be used to track whether an email has been opened and if the user has clicked on any links in the email.
  • Advertising: Web beacons can be used to track the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.


Web beacons are an important tool for online marketers and webmasters. They allow them to track user activity and to better target their marketing efforts. It is important for users to be aware of web beacons and to understand how their data is being used. References: