
What is Yield?

Yield is a term used in finance to refer to the income generated by an investment over time, typically expressed as a percentage. This percentage is calculated by dividing the annual income generated by the initial investment. Yield is a measure of the return on an investment, and investors use it to compare potential investments and to decide which one is more attractive.

Types of Yield

Yields can be divided into four main categories:

  • Dividend Yield: Dividend yield is the annual return an investor receives from a stock dividend payment, divided by the current stock price.
  • Interest Yield: Interest yield is the return an investor receives from a bond or other fixed-income security, divided by the current market price.
  • Real Estate Yield: Real estate yield is the annual return an investor receives from an investment property, divided by the current market value.
  • Total Return Yield: Total return yield is the return an investor receives from an investment over time, including both income and capital gains, divided by the initial investment.

Calculating Yield

Yield is calculated by taking the income generated by an investment over a period of time and dividing it by the initial investment. For example, if an investor purchases a stock for $100 and receives a dividend of $5 in the first year, the yield on the investment would be 5%.

Importance of Yield

Yield is an important concept for investors to understand, as it allows them to compare investments and determine which one is most attractive. For example, if two stocks have similar price points, an investor can compare their yields to decide which one is the better investment.


Yield is an important concept for investors to understand, as it allows them to compare potential investments and determine which one is more attractive. By calculating the yield on an investment, investors can gain insight into the expected return on their investment and make more informed decisions about where to invest their money.
