

Laggards are individuals or groups of people who are resistant to change and slow to adopt new technologies or ideas. They are typically the last to embrace innovations and may continue to use outdated methods or tools long after others have moved on.

One example of laggards can be seen in the adoption of smartphones. While early adopters quickly embraced the technology and integrated it into their daily lives, laggards may have resisted getting a smartphone for years, preferring to stick with their old flip phone or even a landline.

Another example can be found in the business world, where some companies are slow to adopt new software or processes that could streamline their operations. These laggards may continue to use outdated systems, even if it means they are falling behind their competitors in terms of efficiency and productivity.

It is important to understand the mindset of laggards and address their concerns in order to facilitate change and innovation. By providing support and education, it is possible to help laggards overcome their resistance and embrace new technologies or ideas.
