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Bait and switch

Bait and switch is a sales tactic that involves advertising a product or service at a low price to attract customers, only to upsell them on a more expensive item once they are in the store or on the website. This deceptive practice is used to lure customers in with the promise of a good deal, only to pressure them into purchasing something else.

One common example of bait and switch is when a retailer advertises a popular item at a deeply discounted price, but only has a limited quantity available. Once customers arrive at the store or visit the website, they are told that the item is sold out and are pressured into buying a more expensive alternative.

Another example of bait and switch is when a service provider offers a low introductory rate to attract new customers, only to raise the price significantly once the initial contract period is over. Customers are often locked into long-term contracts and find themselves paying much more than they originally anticipated.

It is important for consumers to be aware of bait and switch tactics and to carefully read the fine print before making a purchase. By being informed and vigilant, customers can protect themselves from falling victim to this deceptive marketing practice.

  • Always read the fine print – Make sure to carefully review the terms and conditions of any deal before making a purchase.
  • Be wary of overly good deals – If a price seems too good to be true, it may be a bait and switch tactic.
  • Ask questions – If something seems off or you feel pressured to make a purchase, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.

For more information on bait and switch, you can visit Wikipedia.