Idea screening
Idea screening is an essential step in the innovation process, where potential ideas are evaluated and selected for further development. This process helps organizations prioritize and focus on ideas that have the most potential for success.
There are various criteria that can be used for idea screening, such as feasibility, market potential, competitive advantage, and alignment with organizational goals. By using these criteria, organizations can determine which ideas are worth pursuing and which should be set aside.
For example, let’s say a technology company is considering developing a new product. They may screen ideas based on factors such as technical feasibility, market demand, and potential for revenue generation. By evaluating these criteria, the company can identify the most promising ideas and allocate resources accordingly.
Benefits of idea screening:
- Helps organizations focus on ideas with the highest potential for success
- Reduces the risk of investing resources in ideas that are unlikely to succeed
- Improves decision-making by providing a systematic evaluation process
Overall, idea screening is a critical step in the innovation process that can help organizations identify and prioritize the best ideas for further development.
For more information on idea screening, you can visit Wikipedia.