Čistá cena

Net price

Net price is the final price of a product or service after all discounts and deductions have been applied. It is the amount that the customer pays, excluding any taxes or additional fees.

For example, if a product has a retail price of $100 and a 10% discount is applied, the net price would be $90. This is the amount that the customer would need to pay at the time of purchase.

Net price is often used in business transactions to determine the final cost of goods or services. It is an important factor to consider when making purchasing decisions, as it can impact the overall budget and profitability of a company.

It is important to note that net price does not include any additional costs that may be incurred, such as shipping fees or taxes. These would need to be added on top of the net price to determine the total cost of the product.

  • Net price: $90
  • Retail price: $100
  • Discount: 10%

For more information on net price, you can visit Wikipedia.